21 Gifted Actors Who Were Completely Wasted In Their Roles, According To Fans

“I started watching the show with Eccleston in the lead role, and that’s always been my favorite take on the Doctor. Cranky old alien who doesn’t really want to get involved with human shenanigans but keeps getting begrudgingly pulled in anyway.
When I heard that Peter Capaldi was being cast, I cheered. Crankiest of the cranky, as Malcolm Tucker in The Thick Of It. If he brought even a fraction of that energy to The Doctor, I’d be thrilled.
But the writing for his run on the show was just dull as dishwater. They gave him so little to work with. I trailed off and stopped following the show, probably about halfway through his run.
Utterly wasted talent. How do you hire an actor with that kind of energy, put him in a role that could absolutely play to his strengths, and give him the blandest writing in the world? Damn shame.”