Biden Says He ‘Meant What I Said’ About Not Pardoning Hunter… Before He ‘Found Out Two Factors’

In an exit interview with USA Today published on Wednesday, outgoing President Joe Biden did a double backflip off the top rung, claiming he “meant what I said” when he repeatedly pledged not to pardon his nefarious son, Hunter Biden, only to then say he hoped the beyond-controversial pardon didn’t set a precedent for future presidents.
So why did Biden pretend to change his mind? He said he did so after learning “two factors.”
To refresh, Biden granted a full and “unconditional” pardon to Hunter for all offenses against the United States he committed or may have committed from Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 1, 2024. The pardon also spared him from sentencing on federal cases involving federal tax charges and felony gun charges. The outrageous move was even blasted by some of Biden’s own supporters, including in the media.
USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page broached the topic thusly (emphasis, mine):
[E]very parent can understand why you would want to protect your son. Do you have any concerns that your pardon of Hunter sets a precedent for future presidents? One that might be open to abuse?
Incredibly and predictably, Biden responded:
I hope not, because I meant what I said when I was asked whether I was going to pardon my son. But then I found out two factors. Number one, that he had paid all his taxes. He paid them late. He was fighting a drug problem. And he beat it. He’s been square and sober for almost six years now. This was back in ’80, I mean excuse me, in 2000 and… What year was it? Anyway, long time ago.
Needless to say, I have a myriad of thoughts. Among the most salient:
Paying back-taxes doesn’t erase felony tax offenses. Do the crime, do the time, as it were. And neither battling addiction nor entering recovery gives one a “get out of jail free” card. Again, do the crime…
Finally, raise your hand if you think Biden would have pardoned Eric or Don Jr. Trump if either were in the exact same fix that Hunter placed himself — multiple times.
The serial-lying president continued:
And then the second thing I found out was that on this purchasing a gun, at the time, you have to sign a form if you’re under the influence of anything. Well, I don’t even know whether they got straight on the signing of the form. But the point was, no one’s ever been tried on that. Nobody.
Excuse me? Who’s “they”? It was Hunter Biden who was obligated to “get it straight” — disclose — his addiction, not “they.”
Even more salient, Biden’s assertion was incorrect. In a 2023 statement, the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) reported that federal prosecutors were aggressively pursuing people who lie in connection with firearms purchases, including about “the buyer’s competency, criminal history, drug use, immigration status, and history with domestic violence.” Applicants who knowingly make false statements may also face criminal prosecution for a felony and up to 10 years in federal prison.
Biden’s excuses then got even more ridiculous.
And they potentially put him in jail for X number of years for that. He had it for 10 days. Two days in his possession. No weapon, no bullets, no movement, no leave. And it got returned. And no one’s ever been tried for that. So he got former Attorneys General and former leaders in both parties, not office holders saying, “It’s not done. It’s not been done.” And that’s why I stepped in, because of the nature of the way… By the way, it was under my administration. And Trump wasn’t doing this.
I have no idea what old Joe meant by “And Trump wasn’t doing this,” but I do know that Biden’s inexcusable pardon of his wayward son, along with multiple current actions he’s taking to in effect “punish” America for his demise, will only add to the miserable legacy of his disastrously failed presidency.
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And worst of all, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. did most of the damage on purpose.